This month Vaughn will be 22 months old!
He loves to wear his cowboy hat. He finds it every morning and wears it all day. He will point to it and say, "cowboy hat". His dad taught him how to wave it around and say, "yee-haw".
He climbs on everything! He rarely falls but loves to pretend he is falling to see our reaction. When we run to catch him he quickly lets himself go and then laughs.
Every night he wants to go around the house and say "good night" to: the fish, a picture of grandma and grandpa, daddy, Max and whatever toys he can find. In the morning the first thing he does is say "hi" to the fish and the picture of grandma and grandpa.
He talks all the time! He knows what he wants and will ask for it repeatedly (we call this broken record style) until we give in or distract him with something else. He can say 3 word combinations now. I don't know if that is on track for his age or not but it impresses me every time. He even said "Mom you're pretty" one time which melted my heart.
He recognizes most animals and can imitate their sounds.
I love my little boy more than I ever could have imagined. We want another baby so bad! I am constantly wondering if it would be possible for me to love another child as much as I love him but I know I will and can't wait to experience it!
I am in awe of a mother's love every day. I love knowing that so many mother's feel the same way about their own child(ren) as I do about Vaughn. I think every child deserves to be loved like this.
Agreed! That's why it's heart-wrenching to watch that Teen Mom show.
Sounds like bed time is a bit time consuming, eh? So cute though.
I have the hardest time remembering that there are a lot of babies out there who are loved as much as I love Nathan.
You see so many horrible stories. It breaks my heart every time I see a baby who isn't being treated the way they should be. Thanks for reminding me :)
Maggie, you are a good mom! The fact that Vaughn knows so much and is talking so well shows how much you and Guy are involved with him! I do not have boys but from the sounds of it he is way on track for his age! "Mom you are pretty" cute!
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