The stories of an engineer, a stay-at-home mom, a crazy little boy and a girl who's full of spice.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bowled Over!

The other day Vaughn was feeling a little sick. He threw up while he was at a friend's house so we promptly left and came home to get him back to feeling great! When we got home I turned on some TV and gave him a bowl so that if he needed to throw up again he could.
When I handed it to him he pretended to throw up again into the bowl. At that point I was satisfied that he knew what to do with it and I figured we were good to go. A little while later he decided to go play and took his bowl with him. What a trooper, right? Less than a minute later he came back looking like this:

What a cutie pie! Luckly the sickness seemed to have passed but he spent the rest of the day enjoying the fact that I felt sorry for him. A little while later he decided that the bowl would make a good snack!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sarah's Key

Well, once again I have found an amazing book. I often am not interested in stories about the Holocaust because I find them so depressing. Also, I read "The Diary on Anne Frank" about a million times in school which ended up dulling my senses to the tragedy. Back then, I didn't even know that there were any other stories out there. Then I read "Maus" and "The Zookeepers Wife" which were very good and gave me new perspectives. However, neither of these stories touched me as much as "Sarah's Key". This one hit really close to home for me and I could not put it down.
Obviously this is a sad story, there were a few parts where I was crying pretty hard, but it also has a lot of hope and makes you reflect about what's important in life. The story switches views from a modern day American journalist in Paris to a young girl in France during the Vel de'Hiv round-up. I am shocked at how many people were/are affected by the Holocaust. I am grateful for those who are willing to share their stories and those who can forgive after such a tragedy.
I hope that you will read it!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Carrying on Traditions

My dad grew up in New York with his best friend, Jeff. As I grew up Jeff often came to visit. He sent me pajamas every Christmas. I always called him Uncle Jeff. When I was pregnant with Vaughn I saw them and I felt like Jeff and his wife, Jan, would be like another set of grandparents for him. Lucky Vaughn! This past weekend they came to Denver and Vaughn met them for the first time. He was in love, of course!
Please note the Elmo toy in every picture. Jeff and Jan brought it to Vaughn and he has not let it go since!