The stories of an engineer, a stay-at-home mom, a crazy little boy and a girl who's full of spice.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We still have not made it through a whole nursery. Luckily, we have sacrament meeting under our belts but Vaughn just refuses to stay put afterwards without one of us there. However, the nursery teachers don't support us staying for the entire our options have dwindled to 1) staying and feeling awkward with the teachers, 2) take Vaughn to our classes and feeling awkward with everyone there because he is loud, restless and like to poke the women who sit in front of us or 3) Leave after sacrament. We are at a loss. What should we do???


Hoss.Rose.MiniB said...

Let him cry it out in nursery! No, I really don't know what to tell you, I haven't had to cross that bridge yet. Good Luck!

Em said...

Tell the nursery leaders to stick it, but nicer than that. I had to sit in there with Paiglee and eventually she stayed on her own. It takes time and no one should care if you are in there.

Kathryn said...

I say try and leave him to cry it out a bit. Each child is different and this may not work, but Cade went to Nursery fine and then in the new year with the time change he was awful. Just tired and clingy. Try it and see if they just would prefer you be there, tell them it is one or the other....

The Merkleys said...

One thing that helped with Lauryn was to take her to nursery but then I would tell her "mommy does not hold you at nursery". She learned to play with the kids and after a few weeks I could leave.
Hope it all works out. The nursery leaders need to respect the close relationship you have with Vaughn.