On Saturday morning we woke up with no power or heat. We are currently living in a townhouse provided by Guy's work and it is not the most efficient living quarters. In fact, it was so cold I think we could see our breath! Luckily, our friends live in a nice house that was better at keeping heat. And even better, Adam had a power inverter in his truck so we could watch TV, have a little light and live a pretty good life. However, it wasn't powerful enough to run a heater :( They also had a grill so we could eat warm meals! We are so thankful for them inviting us into their home for such an extended period of time! Here are some pictures of us trying to entertain ourselves:
Vaughn was quite the cook with his play-doh. Spaghetti anyone?
Me and miss Rosalie. She ran out of clothes so she borrowed some of our friend's little boy's clothes! I still think she is beautiful!
When it got really cold (or when we were getting stir crazy) we would pile in the truck and drive around. It was a good excuse to get out of the house and look at all of the craziness going on around town!
This is our street. Our house is the first one on the right. Luckily we got out early enough that we could drive out but when we went back to get some things it was too snowy to drive on. Even in Guy's big truck!!! Did I mention this was in MAY??
On Sunday we were still without power and feeling pretty dirty and sick with cabin fever so we decided to drive to Minot. We got a hotel and did some grocery shopping. Rumor on the street was that we would be out of power for the rest of the week so we also bought a couple generators to help keep our food cold and our babies warm! On the way to Minot there were power lines down almost the whole way! I heard one estimate that there were 1500 down! Even after the snow melted it took a while to get the power back.
Here is our hostess with the mostess, Aspen. Notice the smile on her face even though she had us staying with her until Tuesday1 She was a trooper and stayed positive the whole time. I am so lucky to have such a great friend here in North Dakota!
Now that you have heard my sob story of living like a pioneer, here is what else is going on with us:
Vaughn is completely pee potty trained...at home! He refuses to sit on a potty anywhere else. Also, he saves his poop for when we put a diaper on him at night. Silly kid. He is a trickster. But I still feel like we have made huge progress!
Rosalie is 6 months old! She is getting so big and cute! We love her to pieces. She can roll from her back to her front but has trouble going the other way. She starts occupational therapy next week to help strengthen her arms. Poor girl has some loose joints which prevent her from using her arms to roll or prop herself up.
We sold our house in Green River! We feel so blessed that someone made an offer and we close on June 17th!!! And with our house sold we got to start house hunting here! Just this morning our offer was accepted and this is our new house (well 1/2 of it, I couldn't get the whole thing in one shot). I also feel blessed that we were able to find someplace to live here that didn't break the bank. Housing here is nearly impossible to find!
Hopefully I will be better about blogging but with the warm weather and all the moving I can't make any promises!