BROTHER!!! Yes, it's official! Some of you probably suspected that something was up. We are expecting baby #2 on November 26th! (Since it will be another c-section we can all expect an early arrival). Hooray!
I feel like I was made for the job of a stay-at-home mom. Nothing satisfies me more than taking care of my kids and Guy. I like to craft when I have time and feel very blessed to have great friends and family!
Guy is an Engineer for Baker Oil Tools. Luckily, he loves his job. He also enjoys movies, video games and long walks on the beach. (Just kidding about that last one)
Vaughn is a very happy boy. He loves "Super Why". He is also a big fan of Star Wars, Toy Story, music and dancing. He loves to play with other kids and wishes he had a play date every day of the week.
Rosalie is such a sweet baby. She smiles often and loves to have all of the attention. She enjoys her brother and is a mama's girl at heart!